Koncert Šole Jazz Ravne
Koncert naših najmlajših članov, koncert, na katerega smo najbolj ponosni.
The concert of our youngest members, the concert of which we are most proud.
Mentorja / Mentors: Matija Mlakar – pozavna / trombone; Samo Kolar – helikon / helicon; mladi člani šole Jazz Ravne
Pogosto vprašanje nam organizatorjem je, kateri koncert bi izpostavili. In vedno je odgovor isti: Koncert udeležencev Šole Jazz Ravne. Zato, ker ga brez nas ne bi bilo in ker verjetno se tudi udeleženci šole pri svoji starosti z jazzom n bi srečali tako intenzivno, da bi se v njem tudi sami preizkusili. Pa si ne delamo utvar, da bo vsa ta mladina ostala zavezana jazzu, ravno nasprotno – skoraj vsi razen redkih izjem bodo našli druge prioritete v svojem življenju. A bodo tudi po zaslugi naše šole boljši, pogumnejši, bolj samozavestni, saj upajo stopiti iz običajnih okvirov in ustvariti nekaj svojega.
Which concert would is the highlight of the festival? And the answer is always the same: A concert by the participants of the Ravne Jazz School. Because it wouldn’t exist without us and because the school participants probably wouldn’t have encountered jazz so intensively at their age. We do not pretend that all these young people will remain committed to jazz, on the contrary – almost all of them, with rare exceptions, will find other priorities in their lives. But also thanks to our school, they will be better, braver, more self-confident, because they have the courage to step out of the usual framework and create something of their own.
Foto: Nika Hölcl Praper – fotobeležNica