Zala Črešnik Trio
Na mladih svet stoji: Zala Črešnik in njen trio.
The Future Belongs to Youth: Zala Črešnik and Her Trio.
Zala Črešnik – vokal, kitara / vocal, guitar; Veronika Črešnik – harmonika / accordeon; Matic Črešnik – tolkala / percussion
Zala Črešnik je še učenka nižje glasbene šole, smer klasična kitara, a je kot učenka mariborskega kitarista Marka Zaletelja in prav tako Mariborčanke Dade Kladenik dodobra izstopila izven okvirjev klasičnega izobraževanja. Z nežnim dekliškim glasom, ki se organsko zlije z občutenim igranjem kitare, ustvarja novo uspešno glasbeno zgodbo in čeprav se v njenem igranju še lahko začuti vpliv mentorjev, glasbi dodaja lastne elemente in lastne interpretacije. Ob spremljavi še dveh članov svoje razširjene glasbene družine bo predstavila delo zadnjega šolskega leta.
Zala Črešnik is still a student of a junior music school, majoring in classical guitar, but as a student of the Maribor guitarist Marko Zaletelj and Dada Kladenik, also from Maribor, she went well beyond the framework of classical education. With a gentle girl’s voice, which organically merges with the felt playing of the guitar, she creates a new successful musical story, and although the influence of her mentors can still be felt in her playing, she adds her own elements and interpretations to the music. Accompanied by two more members of her extended musical family, she will present the work of the last school year.
Foto: Nika Hölcl Praper